Archive for August, 2011

NaNoWriMo 2011

I know it’s a bit early to be thinking about it, but I’ve got NaNo on my mind, and I’m wondering what I’m going to write for it, this year. There are many possibilities.

So, once I figure it out, I’ll probably start planning. Work on plot, flesh out the characters, maybe do a few exercises that include the characters or something. 😀 I think that would be fun. :3

Maybe I’ll even write a prequel to the NaNo, just to get an idea of what I want to write. The prequel won’t be novel length, probably just a short story that is going to be either one or somewhere around five chapters long. Something.

Anyways, I know this blog is really short, but you know. I felt like posting something.

So who else is participating in NaNoWriMo, this year?

prologue from Forget Me Not

Forget Me Not is my newest work in progress. It’s a Harvest Moon fanfiction. I’m mostly just having fun with it, so you don’t have to like it or anything, but I’m going to share with you the prologue!

Forget Me Not: Prologue

Today was the day.

My mother decided randomly a few weeks ago that she was going to ship me off to some place called Forget-Me-Not Valley for the summer, where I would be staying with her best friend from college, Vesta. I didn’t even know who Vesta was, and I most certainly have never heard of this stupid valley, either.

Thus, I questioned why my mother was doing this to me.

“I think it will be a good experience for you. Country life is different from city life, very different. You might even find yourself enjoying it, after a while,” she reasoned. I scoffed.

“A good experience?! But mom! All of my friends are here, and Forget-Me-Not Valley just sounds so lame. Please don’t make me go!” I begged and begged, but no matter how annoying I was, she refused to give in to my pleas.

“You can make new friends, there. Vesta has a son who is a couple of years older than you… Maybe you two will… get along, yes?” She giggled after her suggestion, while I rolled my eyes at her not-so-subtle exclamation.

“Right, because I’m totally into hillbilly boys who are constantly covered in dirt.”

“Caroline Roxanne! You don’t even know what you’re talking about. So quit it with the attitude. You’re going to Forget-Me-Not Valley whether you like it or not!”

“But—, ”

“No. You’re going and that’s final.”

sick, but who would’ve thought?

So. I’m sick. I got pink eye Monday, and it’s just now starting to go away. My throat feels swollen and it hurts, plus I have a cough and a stuffy nose half the time. It all just sucks. I want to be healthy again. Guess who’s making new life choices after this? I am. I’m going to start exercising regularly and I’m going to start making healthier eating choices. I WANT TO BE HEALTHYYYY!

Anywho, I started writing a fanfiction. OHMYGOODNESS, who would’ve thought? I mean, normally, I hate writing fanfictions because I don’t like using other peoples’ characters… But, I think I’m warming up to them. Very. Very. Very. Slowly. In fact, I think writing a fanfiction will be good for me. It’ll be good writing practice.

Not to mention, it’s a Harvest Moon fanfiction, so it can’t possibly be that difficult to write, no? Harvest Moon is very flexible. I do whatever the fudge I want in that game… As long as I’m making money and keeping my farm alive. I even planted trees. 😀 ‘Cause, you see, I have to find myself a hubby, and I want to marry this dude named Marlin. Or the phantom thief, Skye. Either one of those two. I know I probably sound crazy, right about now. But don’t worry, this all makes sense to me, and right now, that’s all that matters.

So yeah. I’m writing my first legitimate fanfiction. Woo! Go me! Ahaa, I’m actually really looking forward to writing this.

Note: I should write more. It makes me happy.